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Natural Home & Family
Posted on September 12th, 2014 by Nykole Coombs
That might even put food onto your table.
That moment when someone asks what you're making for dinner … Tonight.
With nada in my noggin I entertain the possibility that this casts me as a terrible mom and wife. No, I know I'm not. What I don't know though is how people meal plan. Especially for ...
Posted on September 7th, 2014 by Diana Davidson
Isn’t It GRAND!
There is nothing like the love grandparents and grand friends have for their grandchildren. My father describes being a grandparent as “the greatest return on his investment.” Every week more than a dozen grandparents and grand friends come to music class ready to sing, dance, and...
Posted on August 21st, 2014 by Nykole Coombs
Call me crazy but my turn on is shared responsibility. It may sound like a snooze fest but it makes working on my marriage juicy.
Eight weeks post baby is what it took for us lovebirds to take the plunge. My hormones are okay, I've been horny. The hubs thinks my fourth trimester bod is sexy and has...
Posted on August 12th, 2014 by Dr Joe Merlo
When Does a Baby Need a Chiropractic Checkup?
According to the chiropractic specialist Larry Webster, DC, there are six times in baby’s first year of life when the chiropractic examinations are especially important:
After the birth process.
When the baby starts to hold his/her head up.
When th...
Posted on August 10th, 2014 by Diana Davidson
When I was a little girl I did not like going to bed. It was challenging to stop my mind from racing and calm myself down enough to fall asleep. My parents would get frustrated with my “night owl” tendency. No one was getting the rest they needed; that is, until my parents and my grandmother starte...
Posted on August 4th, 2014 by Nykole Coombs
With a little help from my besties, the stars, I've cleared the symptoms of Mastitis and Thrush at lightening speed. Tag along as I link today's full moon astrology with the meaning behind my aching "boo-boos" and you may just find that feeling strung between career (Capricorn) and mothering (Cancer...
Posted on July 18th, 2014 by McKenzie Hambsch
When finding the best nanny to fit you and your family’s needs there should be a long and detailed process to make sure those needs are met. You want to be able to feel comfortable and at ease with the person that is responsible for taking care of your children. To begin, you and your family should ...
Posted on July 18th, 2014 by McKenzie Hambsch
Making the decision to have someone come into your home to care for your child is an extremely big decision and you have to take several things into account. One of the most important questions that most people have is how do I know that my child is safe with the nanny? Do you just let anyone into y...
Posted on July 3rd, 2014 by Dr Joe Merlo
If you are pregnant, one of the best things you can do is see a doctor of chiropractic. Chiropractic care provides so many things a pregnant body needs: a flexible and balanced spine, hips and pelvis; internal organs without postural stress and freedom from nerve stress. All essential for a health ...
Posted on May 1st, 2014 by Jennifer Lindeman
Did you know that 93% of car seats are installed incorrectly? And 88% of children are in their seats incorrectly? How does yours measure up?
One of the most important jobs you have as a parent is keeping your child safe when riding in a vehicle. Each year thousands of young children are killed...