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Fidele Oni joined our tribe on Monday, February 4th, 2008. She was 9lbs. I began this labor of love sometime in April of 2007. When I woke up on Monday morning I knew this would be the day and I told my husband and friend that this baby would arrive by 3:30. I called my sister Tintawi and she came around 10am or so with her tribe, her bag and her vibe. While the kids played and Tintawi’s husband sat with a closed eyed on the children, I labored around my house singing out vowel sounds. Around 1pm, I put down a pad on the floor and my water broke. It was the most amazing feeling to know that my water was going to break. Tintawi kept wondering how I knew, but I couldn’t explain the feeling. After that, I called my husband and he came home to bring our baby into this next phase of her life.

I sang out so loud during my labor pains that later my throat was soar. These noises did not trouble my children or Tintawi’s children at all. They ate sandwiches and played. We worked very hard to get Fidele out, I sat, squatted, stood and got in any position that would assist her travel. Finally, after a little bit of tired frustration, Sitting Bull’s back rubbing and Fidele’s will to come into this world, she arrived. Tintawi said she came out sucking. She was finally here, it is the most amazing feeling. Each time is different. There she was on my chest. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. She was so plump. My 2 year-old Sun-Tzu was very happy to see the baby "come out of my butt." While in labor, she would brush back my hair and seemed very attentive and calm.

The next day we took her to see her doctor and that was when we got the news that she was 9lbs. We were all amazed. Her weight put to rest my confusion about how much more work I did to get her out this time. She was our biggest baby and I swore that it seemed more exhausting this time around and now we knew why. Now she is 22 months and enjoying some vegetarian breast milk. She loves loud houses filled with slight yelling, banging toys and laughter, long car rides and my awful singing voice. Peace to all and here's a short video about Fidele's birth.




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